Guided Pathways

Guided Pathways Steering Council

In the spring of 2024, MTC established the Guided Pathways Steering Council to enhance student success by advancing the college’s efforts in implementing best practices within the pathways framework. This council was created with the support of the President and the executive leadership team and is led by co-chairs who bring a wealth of experience and leadership to this initiative. 

The council comprises members from various departments and academic programs, creating collaboration and campus-wide support for developing and redesigning priority initiatives. The Steering Council Charter includes a detailed list of members, highlighting a diverse mix of leadership and representatives from key stakeholders across MTC, reflecting the inclusive approach taken to guide these efforts effectively. This charter also serves as a foundational document that defines the purpose, structure, guiding principles of the council and outlines the council’s mission, roles, and responsibilities, providing a clear framework for decision-making and collaboration.

MTC Guided Pathways Steering Co-Chairs:

Executive Director of Student Success and Engagement
Student Success and Engagement
Marion Campus
BR 176D
College Registrar
Office of the Registrar
Marion Campus
BR 183R
Anatomy & Physiology Faculty
Arts and Sciences
Marion Campus
BR 127
Director of Title III
Title III
Marion Campus
BR 102D

Guided Pathways Steering Council Charter Sponsors:

President's Office
Marion Campus
BR 178C
Executive Vice President
Planning and Advancement
Marion Campus
BR 178A
Provost and Chief Strategy Officer
Academic Services
Marion Campus
BR 161F
Vice President of Business Affairs/CFO & Board Treasurer
Administration and Financial Services
Marion Campus
BR 108B
Chief of Staff & Government Relations Officer
President's Office
Marion Campus
BR 178D