Law Enforcement Degree


About the program


The Law Enforcement Associate of Technical Studies degree includes courses that are required to become employed as a peace officer in Ohio. An individual must successfully complete the state-mandated training and pass the certification examination sponsored by the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy (OPOTA).

Marion Technical College offers the state mandated curriculum to become a certified peace officer in Ohio. The courses are offered Monday through Friday evenings and occasionally on the weekend. Upon successful completion of all academy requirements, students will be eligible to take the OPOTC exam.

Students who want to earn an Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice degree may apply a portion of the peace officer basic training credits toward the degree.

In order to become employed as a peace officer in Ohio, an individual must successfully complete the state-mandated training and pass the certification examination sponsored by the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy (OPOTA); students complete specialized training to work as an Ohio Peace Officer.

Degree option

Two-year full-time degree schedule; mixture of core criminology/forensic science courses and studies in communications, information technology, and broad-based general education classes; includes field experience internship(s); program can be completed on a part-time basis.

Certificate option

Students who successfully complete the peace officer basic training academy will receive a 30-hour law enforcement certificate.

  • Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy (OPOTA) Certification

Ohio Peace Officer Basic Training Program Physical Fitness Standards

Eligibility to sit for the state certification exam includes the successful completion of a physical fitness assessment. Individuals must meet the following physical assessment exit standards:

Gender Age Sit-Ups (1 min.) Push-Ups (1 min.) 1.5 Mile Run
Males (<-29) 40 33 11:58
Females (<-29) 35 18 14:07
Males (30-39) 36 27 12:25
Females (30-39) 27 14 114:34
Males (40-49) 31 21 13:11
Females (40-49) 22 11 15:24
Males (50-59) 26 15 14:16
Females (50-59) 17 13 17:13
Males (60+) 20 15 15:56
Females (60+) 8 8 18:52

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate an understanding of basic law enforcement skills, criminal justice techniques, and problem-solving methodologies.
  • Describe and apply current laws (federal, state, & municipal) to various situations involving crimes and/or civil offenses.
  • Apply learned information, concepts, and theories to successfully investigate crime/accident scenes, conduct interviews and interrogations, provide reports and courtroom testimony as needed, and interface with appropriate law enforcement professionals and/or agencies.
  • Demonstrate the safe and effective use of firearms, unarmed self-defense methods, and first aid.

Career Opportunities

  • Police Officer
  • Court Officer
  • Juvenile Center Manager
  • Crime Scene Investigator
  • Probation/Parole Officer
  • State Highway Patrol Trooper
  • Corrections Officer
  • Private Security Officer
  • Deputy Sheriff
  • Dispatcher
  • Jailer
  • Fingerprint Technician

Application Requirements

  • In addition to general college admission, the peace officer basic training academy requires individuals to meet specialized admission criteria such as a physical examination and background investigation.
  • Demonstrate college-readiness by achieving the required minimum score on a placement test, successfully completing any required college foundation courses, or satisfying other measures including but not limited to high school coursework, previous college coursework, samples of work, etc.