Criminal Justice Probation Officer Option


About the program

Develop basic skills and instincts for work in law enforcement and corrections; understand the various components of and countermeasures for criminal behavior and activity; apply Ohio law to various situations; integrate technology into law enforcement work.

Degree option

Two-year full-time degree schedule; the curriculum is a mixture of criminology and forensic science courses and studies in communications, information technology, and field experience internship courses; the program can be completed on a part-time basis.

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate an understanding of basic law enforcement skills, criminal justice techniques, and problem-solving methodologies.
  • Describe and apply current laws (federal, state, and municipal) to various situations involving crimes and/or civil offenses.
  • Apply learned information, concepts, and theories to successfully investigate crime/accident scenes.
  • Demonstrate the appropriate use of first aid, especially first aid that may be required of a first responder.
  • Develop the skills necessary to successfully conduct interviews and interrogations, as well as pre-sentence investigations.
  • Use appropriate technology to conduct investigations and to communicate with other agencies having a common interest in law enforcement.
  • Demonstrate the effective use of public speaking skills in areas related to criminal justice (oral presentations, suspect interrogations, victim interviews, courtroom testimony, and public relations).
  • Understand the roles of various public agencies in the social welfare community and how probation plays an integral role in the criminal justice system.
  • Apply learned information, concepts and theories to successfully deal with offenders addicted to controlled substances, including recognizing addiction and making proper referrals for treatment.
  • Master evidence-based probation practices.
  • Prepare for state certification in the Ohio Risk Assessment System (ORAS).

Career Opportunities

  • Probation/Parole Officer
  • Police Officer
  • Diversion Officer
  • Corrections Officer
  • Jailer
  • Court Officer
  • Juvenile Center Manager
  • Crime Scene Investigator
  • Private Investigator
  • Deputy Sheriff
  • Private Security Officer
  • Dispatcher
  • Fingerprint Technician
  • State Highway Patrol Trooper

Application Requirements

  • Completed MTC Application for Admission.
  • Final high school transcript (or GED results) and college transcripts (if applicable).
  • Demonstrate college-readiness by achieving the required minimum score on a placement test, successfully completing any required college foundation courses, or satisfying other measures including but not limited to high school coursework, previous college coursework, samples of work, etc