Testing and Tutoring

Laptop Loaner Program

The loaner laptop program provides temporary access to laptops for students facing financial limitations, technical difficulties, or specific course requirements.  By completing a simple application and accepting the program terms, students can borrow a laptop for up to 60 days.

Loaner laptops are free to borrow and equipped with essential software like Microsoft 365.  They are available to registered students who demonstrate a need by completing this brief Loaner Laptop Request Form.

Availability is limited.  Quantities are limited and available on a first-come, first-serve basis.  If we run out of devices, students will be placed on a waitlist.  Loaner laptops are intended for new students who need a laptop to start classes prior to receiving their financial aid refund, students whose device breaks down and need to temporarily borrow a laptop while securing a replacement, or students who do not have office to software needed for specific course assignments. Students may request a loaner laptop multiple times, but priority will go to students who have not requested one in the past.  Extensions beyond the initial 60 days are not guaranteed, and students may be required to turn in the laptop if there are students on a waiting list.  Use of loaner laptops is not meant to be a long-term solution for the duration of a student’s program; students should plan to purchase a laptop prior to the end of the loan term. Talk to your advisor, the Financial Aid Office, and/or the Connections Center if you need financial assistance to purchase a laptop.

Terms and conditions apply. Students are responsible for any loss or damages.