Behavioral Health Technician


About the program

The Behavioral Health Technician certificate program provides graduates the mental/behavioral health knowledge and skills along with the ability to implement essential care for individuals in a variety of mental health and developmental situations and settings. Mental/Behavioral Health Technicians have a challenging yet personally rewarding role in providing essential services for adults and children with a variety of developmental and mental health needs.

Graduates of this program are prepared to provide support for individuals with developmental disorders and disabilities, mental health concerns and disorders, substance use and co-occurring disorders, challenges of aging and bereavement, and a variety of other conditions and difficult life situations, in conjunction with nursing, psychological/psychiatric care, counseling, and other care and treatment professionals.

Graduates typically work in a variety of systems and situations across a wide array of mental/behavioral health care settings, long- and short-term care facilities, rehabilitation facilities, assisted/supportive living settings, schools, and state, county, and local care systems. The mental/behavioral health care field is rapidly growing, projected by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics to increase 23-25% over the next ten years (significantly faster than average).

Graduates of this program will have significant skills to assist and care for those in difficult life situations. The program emphasizes:

  • personal and professional practice as a care provider
  • multicultural awareness and practice
  • effective mental/behavioral treatment knowledge
  • behavior management, crisis and trauma intervention and treatment knowledge
  • psychological treatment planning, explanation, and implementation

Certificate option

The Behavioral Health Technician Certificate is designed to be completed in one year / two semesters as a full-time student. Students may complete the degree part-time, extending the completion time of the program.

Students engage in 100 hours contact hours of internship experience under the direct supervision of professionals in state, county, and local agencies and facilities. Clinical experiences occur in a variety of community agencies which include schools, developmental services facilities, long-term care facilities, residential and outpatient rehabilitation facilities, mental health centers, drug and alcohol treatment facilities, day habilitation and care programs, homeless shelters, supported living and residential environments, child welfare and social services facilities, youth and adult treatment programs, and treatment programs within the criminal justice system.

Occupational Certification Opportunities

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate fundamental psychological knowledge, including human development, personality development, psychopathology and treatments, developmental delays/disorders and treatments, crisis and trauma intervention and treatment strategies, and substance use disorders/comorbidity and treatment options.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of mental health therapeutic strategies which include empathetic listening, integrated treatment planning and implementation, behavior management skills, multicultural practice, and legal/ethical practice.
  • Demonstrate effective client care and service skills, including case management, collecting client history, maintaining records, client instruction, and treatment implementation.

Career Opportunities

  • Mental Health Technician
  • Behavioral Health Technician
  • Behavioral Health Paraprofessional
  • Behavioral Intervention Specialist
  • Medical Office Assistant
  • Psychiatric Aide
  • Residential Aide
  • Case Manager
  • Rehabilitation Specialist

Application Requirements - Limited Enrollment

To apply for acceptance into the Behavioral Health Technician certificate program, your application file should contain:

  1. Completed MTC Application for Admission.
  2. Final high school transcript (or GED results) and college transcripts (if applicable).
  3. A minimum 2.0 accumulative grade point average (GPA) in high school or college-level courses (whichever is most recent).
  4. Demonstrate college-readiness by achieving the required minimum score on a placement test, successfully completing any required college foundation courses, or satisfying other measures including but not limited to high school coursework, previous college coursework, samples of work, etc.

  5. Completion of a successful criminal background check.