Guided Pathways
In the summer of 2024, with the leadership of Marion Technical College’s Executive Team, a Guided Pathways Steering Council was formed. The process of identifying priority initiatives was implemented through the guidance of MTC’s President and surveys submitted by the steering council identifying the priority working groups that should be formed.
Transition to 8 Weeks
In the fall of 2024, MTC committed to starting the transition to 8-week courses. The goal will be to have all courses (without restrictions due to accreditation) to be transitioned to 8-weeks by the fall of 2026.
Why is MTC moving to 8-week courses?:
Extensive research shows that 8-week courses can have a positive impact on student outcomes. Studies from the American Educational Research Association (AERA) show that students in compressed courses demonstrate improved performance and higher completion rates compared to those in traditional 16-week formats. Additionally, research from the Community College Research Center (CCRC) found that retention rates increased by up to 15%, particularly among first-year students.
What is the process to move MTC courses to 8-weeks?
Many classes at MTC already moved to an 8-week format (technical programs started this transition in 2022 and have experienced an improvement in student performance, credit momentum and retention). Faculty will begin the transition by focusing on those 16-week courses that students experience in their first-year of study. These first year courses are on target to be transitioned to 8-weeks by fall of 2025. All remaining courses will be transitioned to 8-weeks by fall 2026.
Will all classes at MTC be moved to 8-weeks?
There are some classes that will need to remain in a 16-week format due to accreditation requirements. Some health programs will continue to offer courses in a 16-week format. Additionally, an exemption policy has been implemented for faculty who provide clear evidence and data that suggest why a class needs to remain in a 16-week format.
How does this 8-week format impact students?
This format offers both benefits and challenges for our students, but with the right support, it can open new opportunities for success.
Benefits for Students
- Faster Progress: Students can earn credits and complete their degrees more quickly, helping them stay on track toward graduation.
- Focused Learning: With fewer classes at a time, students can concentrate deeply on the material, improving retention and engagement.
- Flexible Scheduling: More frequent start dates provide students with additional entry points, making it easier to begin or resume their education without waiting for the next full semester.
- Improved Motivation: Achieving frequent milestones helps students stay motivated as they see progress more quickly.
- Better Balance for Working Students: The shorter terms make it easier to manage work, family, and school responsibilities without feeling overwhelmed.
Opportunities for Student Growth
- Increased Workload: With the transition from a 16 to 8-week format, students will need to commit to a faster-paced schedule.
- Time Management: Staying on top of assignments and deadlines requires students to maintain good planning and self-discipline.
- Less Room for Absences: Missing even a few days can set students back, making attendance and engagement essential.
- Potential for Stress: The intensity of shorter courses can increase stress for students, especially for those not used to accelerated learning.
- Limited Reflection Time: Some subjects may feel rushed, making it harder for students to dive deeply into complex topics or long-term projects.
Supporting Student Success
MTC is committed to helping students succeed in this new format. Resources such as academic advising, tutoring, and mental health support will be available to ensure students thrive. The 8-week model has been shown to improve outcomes, especially for students balancing work, school, and family. With our flexible scheduling and robust support, students can stay motivated and reach their goals faster.
We believe this shift will enhance the student experience at MTC by offering more focused learning opportunities, greater flexibility, and a faster path to success.
New Employee Onboarding Project Goals:
- Onboarding:
- Create and implement an effective onboarding process for employees, faculty, and adjunct faculty that emphasizes the information they need to know to fulfill their roles and support students effectively.
- Create a team of department liaisons to serve as point people to inform new employees on the workings of the college departments.
- Utilize an onboarding checklist to ensure all new employees get the mentorship, training, and support they need from HR, their supervisor, and their mentor.
- Utilize a department- based directory to help identify employee roles at MTC.
- Mentorship:
- Bring the Nursing Program’s Mentoring Program to scale for all new, and transitioning employees.
- Determine best practices in a mentorship program through attendance at national meetings.
New Employee Onboarding Charter
New Employee Onboarding Working Group Accomplishments:
- Development of an MTC department directory.
- Development of a new employee onboarding checklist for staff and full-time faculty.
- Launched department liason program.
New Employee Onboarding Working Group Current & Upcoming Projects:
- Development of a new adjunct faculty onboarding checklist.
- Scaling of an internal mentorship program (based on current the Nursing Department mentorship program).
- Sending representatives from the working group to attend the Mentorship Institute.
- Development of an onboarding checklist for faculty and staff who work with students in the correctional facilities.
Enhanced Tutoring Project Goals:
- Recruit and build a pool of qualified tutors for gateway courses and have them scheduled each semester in advance to allow for student self-scheduling.
- Research and develop a proposal for embedded, supplemental, and/or required tutoring model (at scale at the course level), including strategies to replicate this model for online courses.
- Develop a tutoring training program that is aligned with College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Level 1 Standards to improve tutor teaching and facilitation skills (and in turn, student learning).
- Establish a marketing and communication plan to increase student, faculty, and staff awareness of tutoring and academic support options and increase usage.
- Design a welcoming, comfortable, and modern space to encourage usage and promote student learning.
Enhanced Tutoring Working Group Accomplishments:
- Completed site visit to COTC to learn about their tutoring process, training and assessment.
- Pulled data on MTC student pass rates in key gateway courses.
- Completed compression planning to prioritize working group goals and objectives and assigned staff responsibilities.
- Reviewed data from student survey regarding MTC’s tutoring program (highlighting strengths, preferred modalities and gaps in subject area tutoring.
Enhanced Tutoring Working Group Current & Upcoming Projects:
- Continue site visits to other colleges in Ohio to learn best practices in tutor training, marketing, assessment and overall utilization.
- Research options and best practices in requiring tutoring for students who are struggling academically.
- Research best practices in the implementation of embedded and supplemental tutoring.
- Develop a tutor training program (supported by best practices shared at CRLA conference).
- Provide recommendation to redesign current tutoring space.
- Develop a proposal to attract external, faculty and peer tutors.
Transfer Project Goals:
- Identify strategic partners and build more pathways.
- Create consistent process for establishing/renewing agreements – internal communication.
- Increase awareness and visibility of transfer pathway options.
- Increase number of students in transfer pathway programs and number of students completing a bachelor’s degree after transferring.
Transfer Working Group Charter
Transfer Working Group Accomplishments:
- Reviewed existing institutional agreements (Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathways, and informal transfer relationships to determine what agreements are active, expired or in need of updates.
- Reviewed data to identify key transfer partners (both current and potential)
- Identified gaps and opportunities for current and future transfer agreements.
- Developed a guiding document outlining the process for establishing, maintaining, and updating transfer agreements.
- Attended webinars related to the transfer student experience, transfer partnerships and resources for transfer students.
Transfer Working Group Current & Upcoming Projects:
- Creation of a Sharepoint repository to house agreements and advising materials.
- Outreach to existing partners to introduce new transfer coordinator and gather information about the institution, transfer process and programs to inform transfer website and print materials.
Student Driven Scheduling Project Goals:
- Develop and administer student and community surveys to assess preferred days, times and modalities for an academic schedule
- Develop summary of survey results and share with academic deans and directors with the directive to develop a student driven 3-year academic schedule committing to days, times and modalities to help students plan ahead
- Receive updated academic schedule from each department and share with admissions, advising and registrar
- After implementation, administer follow-up student survey to assess satisfaction with revised academic schedule
- Conduct assessment on student retention to measure the impact of implementation of a student driven schedule
- Support campus community in transition to more 8-week classes
Student Driven Scheduling Charter
Student Driven Scheduling Working Group Accomplishments:
- Engaged in compression planning to prioritize projects and assign responsibilities
- Administered student survey to assess their preferences regarding class times and modalities
Student Driven Scheduling Working Group Current & Upcoming Projects:
- Develop a 3-year academic schedule outlining the general time and modality of when courses will be offered
- Explore the implementation of a cohort model for targeted programs within MTC’s technical programs division