Creating a Model for Technician Education in Smart Manufacturing

Grant #2000177
Project Overview
Marion Technical College (MTC), in collaboration with industry and education partners, has created an innovative academic program in order to increase the supply of qualified technicians with proficiency in advanced technology applications in the manufacturing sector. The program will integrate instrument and controls engineering and information technology to form an academic pathway in Smart Manufacturing. The project, funded by the National Science Foundation, is built around the following objectives:
Objective 1. Establish the foundational curriculum model for a Smart Manufacturing Technician pathway, integrating engineering and information technology topics.
Objective 2. Create Smart Manufacturing associate degree and certificate programs that are enhanced with industry recognized certifications and experiential learning opportunities.
Objective 3. Develop a recruitment initiative to leverage high school relationships to promote Smart Manufacturing career and academic pathways, enhancing the workforce pipeline.
Objective 4. Enhance educators' understanding of Smart Manufacturing concepts and applications