Testing and Tutoring

ACT Testing

Select limited enrollment programs require or recommend ACT testing as a part of their program admission process.  Talk to your advisor to determine if you need to complete ACT testing.

Residual ACT

MTC offers the Residual ACT on campus.  This is a local version of the ACT that can only be used on campus for placement or program admission and is not transferable to other institutions. 

Students must register for the ACT at least one week in advance of the test date.  For more information about fees, registration, requirements, and procedures.

If you need accommodations for a documented disability in order to take the Residual ACT, please email ds@mtc.edu before registering for the ACT to ensure ample time to arrange the necessary accommodations.

National ACT

If the Residual ACT dates do not work for your schedule or you prefer to take receive results you can send to other institutions, students may also take the National ACT.  For more information about dates, registration, and policies.

NOTE: The writing portion of the ACT is optional and not required for any programs at MTC; completing the writing portion may delay your scores being received.

ACT Preparation

There are a number of ways to prepare for the ACT. Visit the ACT Website for various options.