Nursing Aide Training (STNA) – Fast Track


About the program

The fast-track Nurse Assistant Certificate Prep course is offered over 3 weeks. This training is geared toward students seeking immediate employment as an STNA. However, any student seeking fast-track training is eligible to enroll.  The course follows the Ohio Department of Health guidelines for nurse aide training. Successful students will earn a Certificate of Completion from the Ohio Department of health and will be eligible to take the STNA Examination. Students who enroll as non-degree-seeking students may be eligible for financial assistance that may cover most of the cost of the course. Please contact the MTC Financial Aid Department for more details. 

Certificate Option

Nurse Assistant Certification (STNA) Preparation Training: NUR 1003

This Nurse Aide Training (NUR1003) is designed to prepare students to sit for an external examination that could qualify them as an STNA.  This training meets a market need and provides students an opportunity for gainful employment.

Employment and Financial Assistance

Financial assistance may cover most of the costs for non-degree-seeking students. Additionally, Marion Technical College has developed partnerships with local employers who are seeking well-trained nursing assistants. These partners are willing to pay any remaining training and testing costs not covered through financial assistance. Marion Technical College will assist you to make connections with these facilities before training begins.

What Can I Expect?

This training course follows the guidelines set forth in the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 and focuses on long-term care of the elderly population.  Critical thinking situations are an integral part of each class discussion.

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:

  • Identify the Ohio Department of Health requirements for State-Tested Nurse Aide (STNA).
  • Describe the role of the nurse aide.
  • Discuss aspects of communications important to nurse aides.
  • Identify and implement infection control practices.
  • Discuss safety and emergency precautions.
  • Explain ways to promote residents’ independence.
  • Identify the legal rights of the nursing home resident.
  • Demonstrate basic nursing care and personal care skills at a satisfactory level.
  • Discuss theory related to performing basic nursing care skills
  • Identify the needs of an aging resident relating to mental health and social services.
  • Recognize basic restorative services available to nursing home residents.

External Certification

Students will obtain a certificate of completion from the Ohio Department of Health upon successful completion of the NUR1003 (Nurse Assistant Certification Preparation Training) course.  Successful completion of the course also makes students eligible to take the state examination for nurse aides.  Passing the exam results in the State-Tested Nurse Aide (STNA) title and placement on the Ohio Nurse Aide Registry.  Successful completion of the training and the nurse aide examination also makes students eligible for employment in the healthcare field as a nurse aide, home health aide, and direct service provider.  The program includes classroom instruction, lab, and clinical (workplace) experiences.  MTC is recognized by the State of Ohio as an approved agency for offering nurse aide training classes by meeting all minimum state and federal guidelines.

For More Information, Contact:

Sandra Allen
Nursing Faculty/ Program coordinator
Marion Technical College
1467 Mt. Vernon Ave.
Marion, OH 43302


Admission Office
Marion Technical College
1467 Mt. Vernon Ave.
Marion, OH 43302