Jobsxp Logo

We are thrilled to announce the return of our initiative, JobsXP, at Marion Technical College. This time around, we are excited to offer not just one, but two unique events scheduled for October and November respectively. JobsXP aims to provide enriching experiential learning opportunities for our high school College Credit Plus (CCP) students by partnering with esteemed local businesses like yours. Your company has been identified as a prime candidate for our CCP students' job shadowing experience, and we are eager to extend this invitation to you.

Employers – Sign Up Now!

  • Click Here to sign up for JobsXP (All- Non-Healthcare) 2/21/2025
  • Click Here to sign up for Jobs XP (Healthcare) 2/28/2025

What is JobsXP?

JobsXP is a transformative job shadowing program designed to immerse high school CCP students into real-world professional environments. It serves as a bridge between classroom learning and practical application, offering invaluable insights into various careers and industries.

Why participate in JobsXP? This is a great opportunity to:

  • Inspire Future Talent: By participating, you can inspire and guide the next generation of professionals in your field.
  • Showcase Your Business: This experience can be an excellent marketing tool!
  • Community Engagement:I t's a chance to give back to the community and foster local talent.
  • Recruitment: Identify potential future employees and interns among our CCP students.

When and for how long?

The job shadowing experiences are estimated to last approximately 3-4 hours of your time. Our students are eager to visit your workplace on designated dates. You have the flexibility to specify the number of students you can accommodate and any preferences you may have regarding the experience.

Students – Sign Up

  • Click Here to sign up for JobsXP (All Other Organizations) 2/21/2025
  • Click Here to sign up for JobsXP (Healthcare) 2/28/2025

Student registration will open on February 1, 2025. There is paperwork you must submit to MTC before the event.  Make sure that your parent or guardian completes the forms as well.

The following documents students need to fill out and returned by:

One Week Before the Shadowing

MTC Forms- only need filled out once per year, if you attended last time you do not need to fill these out again.

If you are going to a health organization, you will need to complete additional paperwork to enter a health facility.

OhioHealth Paperwork

Observership Application Form

Avita Health Paperwork

Read This - Pre-Spot Orientation Training

Take this quiz

Wyandot Memorial Paperwork

Confidentiality Agreement